When can we expect Rebound 4?
Is Mark Rutte a bastard? I have been disputing this question since the middle of last month. You may remember the fuss, among all the other fusses that overcame us since then? Rutte wrote: ‘I am very concerned about the continuing violence in Israel and Gaza. It is unacceptable for Hamas to randomly fire rockets […]
I have been asked to write something, something that connects or comforts in these strange times would be nice, but any word of wisdom is welcomed, it's up to me. So what am I going to tell you? Is this the end of something? The beginning of something? The beginning of an end? No idea […]
‘Otel Etonne,’ I hear. The smell of despair reaches through the open car window. ‘Monsieur, s'il vous plait,’ he says, an elderly Frenchman behind the wheel, a wad of crumpled directions in his hand. Wildly he steers his car up the sidewalk. ‘Otel Etonne,’ his wife shouts. I dribble after them. ‘Bonjour,’ I say. And […]
I'm still not really used to it, but we have a new boss of the world. The Secretary-General of the United Nations is no longer our trusted Kofi Annan, but ... Ban Ki-moon. In Ko Colijns column in Vrij Nederland today (the preference for daily newspapers would change, but Vrij Nederland and the VARA Gids […]